Getting Around MK
Get Around MK
Information about Walkways, Cycling, eScooters, Public Transport and more on the Get Around MK website:

Walking and Cycling
Milton Keynes has one of the best cycling networks in the UK - known as the Redways - as well as miles of leisure routes through green spaces. Downloadable Redways Map available via this page:
From Central Milton Keynes to Campbell Park (and vice-versa) is 30-minute walk or just 10 minutes by bike, bus or car.
Arriva Buses
Please visit Arriva Bus for routes around Milton Keynes, times and
Santander Cycles
A fun, healthy and easy way to get around Milton Keynes. With over 40 docking stations and 300 bikes, whether you’re heading to a Festival event, riding to meet friends, commuting or just for fun, Santander Cycles MK will help get you there.

Santander Cycles Milton Keynes:

Here's how to get started:
Get the nextbike App from the Apple Store or Google Play
Information about e-Scooters in Milton Keynes:
If you are using bikes or scooters, please wear a suitable helmet and ride with care. The Festival cannot accept any responsibility for your safety when travelling around the City.
By Car
Milton Keynes City Centre grid road system means traffic jams are remarkably rare. It's possible to drive from one side of the city to the other in 15 minutes, and Central Milton Keynes is less than 10 minutes from all edges of the city including the M1 motorway and the A5 dual carriageway.
Roads within central Milton Keynes are designated as 'V roads' and 'H roads' (for 'Vertical' and 'Horizontal'). V roads are named as 'Streets' (eg. V6 Grafton Street), and H roads as 'Ways' (eg. H6 Childs Way).
Parking and Electric Car charging in Milton Keynes City Centre
There is ample parking. Rates range from 50p (Purple Zone) to £2 (Red Zone) per hour and there are also bays which also up to three hours free parking.
For more information and to download a Parking Map showing zones, please visit
Parking in Central Milton Keynes is operated through RingGo and the easiest way to book and pay is cashless through the app:
Please also check details of suggested parking for event venues on the event pages and social media. Different parking charges may apply at different car parks near to or at event sites - please check the provider’s parking information at each location.
Accessble Parking: In the City Centre there are ample disabled parking bays which are free of charge to Blue Badge Holders. There are also parking bays designated for charging electric vehicles.